About the Artist

Jan Stuart, Feltmaker

After purchasing our first 2 llamas in 1990, I joined a fabulous group of llama owners who gather weekly, to learn all things llama.
My farm Moonlight Llamas was born and I discovered felting.
I started with wet felting, hats, baby booties, rugs, dryer balls, ornaments, anything I could think of to sell at craft shows, fiber festivals and farmer’s markets.
My felting has evolved as I have gotten older to primarily needle felting. With many years of experience I love to do custom designs.
Whether it is a wall hanging or a shroud.  
When a shroud is requested from me, I contemplate the person it is for and their desires for a finished product that would be the most meaningful to them.
It is truly an honor for me to be asked to make such a significant and final wish.

Green Mountain Burial Shrouds Moonlight Llamas